Hi all
I am exiting the hobby and want to sell my complete setup.
- Red Sea Max 130D
- 2x bubble magus QQ2 skimmers
- Built-in flow pump and power supply ports
- wavemaker
- heater
- liverock and dry rock
- extra pumps
- Zetlight 1201 (wifi)
- Inferno Anenome worth R2500(medium-Large size, size of a sideplate)
- Medium to large Goniopora
- 2x mushrooms (green and bounce)
- mix of Zoas on a rock
- 2x rocks with different palys
- 2x medium Pink Kenya trees
- 1x Smal Duncan
- 2x GSP (both ons flat pebbles 5x5 cm estimate)
- 1x small devils finger
- 1x small green montiplate (might have bleached, ut still recoverable as he fell into the shaded part of the tank)
- 2x blue legged hermit crabs(1 large and 1 medium)
- 1x large Halloween Hermit crab
- 1x medium yellow legges hermit crab
- 2x medium sized Ocelaris Clown pair
- 1x Sandsifting starfish
- 4x large Turbo Snails
- 3x Bumblebee snails
- there are some stomatela snails roaming around and tint hidden bristle starfish
- some oceansix products(strontium, phosx, manganese, etc)
- a good amount of non-expired JBL test kit and salifert test kits that had been barely used)
Reach out if you have any questions
I am exiting the hobby and want to sell my complete setup.
- Red Sea Max 130D
- 2x bubble magus QQ2 skimmers
- Built-in flow pump and power supply ports
- wavemaker
- heater
- liverock and dry rock
- extra pumps
- Zetlight 1201 (wifi)
- Inferno Anenome worth R2500(medium-Large size, size of a sideplate)
- Medium to large Goniopora
- 2x mushrooms (green and bounce)
- mix of Zoas on a rock
- 2x rocks with different palys
- 2x medium Pink Kenya trees
- 1x Smal Duncan
- 2x GSP (both ons flat pebbles 5x5 cm estimate)
- 1x small devils finger
- 1x small green montiplate (might have bleached, ut still recoverable as he fell into the shaded part of the tank)
- 2x blue legged hermit crabs(1 large and 1 medium)
- 1x large Halloween Hermit crab
- 1x medium yellow legges hermit crab
- 2x medium sized Ocelaris Clown pair
- 1x Sandsifting starfish
- 4x large Turbo Snails
- 3x Bumblebee snails
- there are some stomatela snails roaming around and tint hidden bristle starfish
- some oceansix products(strontium, phosx, manganese, etc)
- a good amount of non-expired JBL test kit and salifert test kits that had been barely used)
Reach out if you have any questions
- Photo Requirements
- Photo's are of the ACTUAL livestock or hardware being advertised.