Pathetic supplies of frozen foods for marine fish port Elisabeth!

13 Sep 2021
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Port Elizabeth
I know we have a situation but the amount of fish and marine species we are losing and obviously I'm losing is not worth even continuing with the hobby, Someone besides port Elizabeth's supply of decent Mysis, brine shrimp, blood worm please let me know!!! Enough is enough, why bother with marine tanks with no support!!
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I know we have a situation but the amount of fish and marine species we are and obviously I'm losing is not worth even continuing with the hobby, Someone besides port Elizabeth perthitic supply of decent Mysis, brine shrimp, bloody fucking bloody shrimp please let me know!!! Enough is enough, why bother with marine tanks with no support!!
Make your own food bud
It’s cleaner and fresher
Haven’t bought frozen blister packs in months!
Agreed, I use to only buy ocean nutrition frozen and have switched over to homemade. Saves a fair chunk of money.
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Homemade is easy enough, and you can add or remove whatever you want. Check out BRS recipe as a starting point, basically an all in one feed. Will last you a long time at a fraction of the cost. Some work upfront. Ended off with my own personal blender that wasn't allowed back in the house, but was worth it.
These commercial brands of frozen foods are loaded with phosphate
Ever since I switched to home made I have noticed an immediate difference
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