Fish recommended for Small Marine tanks

Neil H

Retired Moderator
11 May 2008
Reaction score
The purpose of this thread is to highlight both for new and old members those fish which are suitable for marine tanks with a total system volume not exceeding 130L.

Please post fish pictures and appropriate data as given in the below example for this category, (note that if the fish is suitable for other size tanks then please post the same post in the relevant thread). Please try and be as complete as possible in the data as this is crucial information for someone thinking about buying one. Different species in the same family can be treated as completely different posts for example the various clown fish that one can buy each deserve a separate post!

Percula Clown (Amphiprion percula)

Aggression ? Fairly timid to most reef inmates but will become extremely aggressive to its own kind once a pair is formed, NOT recommended to keep more than 2 clown fish of one species in a small tank, also not more than ONE species of clown fish in a small tank.

Hardy ? : Generally extremely hardy fish, often tank bread.

Special Requirements ? None, most will generally choose a coral or anemone to host HOWEVER having an anemone is NOT required for them to survive / be happy.

Size ? Female is bigger at about 8cm and the male usually is around 6cm

Cost? In the region of R130 a fish

Other Comments ? Awesome fish with lots of character, will often lay eggs and breed in a mature reef tank.

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Royal Gramma (Gramma loreto)

Origin: West Atlantic Ocean, Caribbean Sea

Natural Habitat: Caves and overhanging rocks on coral reefs

Average adult size: 8 cm (3 in)

Tank level: Middle

Food: Frozen foods

Coral friendly: Yes

Invertebrate friendly: Yes

Special needs: Retreats

Ease of keeping: Moderate

Minimum tank size: 1m (3 ft 3 in)

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Firefish (Nemateleotris magnifica)

Origin: Indo-Pacific

Natural Habitat: Holes and rockwork on coral reefs

Average adult size: 8cm (3 in)

Tank level: Middle

Food: Frozen foods

Coral Friendly: Yes

Invertebrate friendly: Yes

Special needs: None

Ease of keeping: Moderate

Minimum tank size: 90cm (3ft)

Coral Beauty (Centropyge bispinosa)

Origin: Indo-Pacific

Natural Habitat:
Caves and retreats on coral reefs

Average adult size:
10cm (4 in)

Tank level: Middle

Food: Frozen foods, algae and some flakes

Coral friendly:
Generaly yes - might nip at some LPS or xenia

Invertebrate friendly:

Special needs:
Live rock for grazing

Ease of keeping: Moderate

Minimum tank size: 1m (3 ft 3 in)

Blue-green chromis (Chromis viridis)

Origin: Indo-Pacific

Natural Habitat: Reef crests around coral clusters and in strong currents

Average adult size: 8cm (3 in)

Tank level: Top

Food: Flake and frozen foods

Coral friendly: Yes

Invertebrate friendly: Yes

Special needs: A shoal of 5 or more

Ease of keeping: Easy

Minimum tank size: 90cm (3 ft)

Please feel free to add to this thread as you see fit, one of the mods / admin will clean it up from time to time, threads for large and medium tanks are on their way
Bicolour Blenny - Ecsenius bicolor

Origin: Fiji, Indonesia, Sri Lanka

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons (115L)

Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes

Water Conditions: 25-26 ° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.026

Maximum Size: 10cm

Color Form: Blue, Orange

Diet: Herbivore

Family: Blenniidae

Yellow Clown Goby - Gobiodon okinawae

Origin: Indian Ocean

Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons (38L)

Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes

Water Conditions: 24 - 26° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.026

Maximum Size: 4cm

Color Form: Yellow

Diet: Carnivore

Family: Gobiidae

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Midas Blenny - Ecsenius midas

Origin: Maldives

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons (115L)

Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes

Water Conditions: 24 - 26° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.026

Maximum Size: 15cm

Color Form: Blue, Yellow

Diet: Omnivore

Family: Blenniidae

Pajama Cardinal - Sphaeramia nematoptera

Origin: Coral Sea, Fiji, Indo-Pacific

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons (115L)

Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Peaceful

Reef Compatible: Yes

Water Conditions: 24 -26° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.026

Max. Size: 9cm

Color Form: Green, White

Diet: Carnivore

Family: Apogonidae

Eibli Angelfish - Centropyge eibli

Origin: Indonesia, Sri Lanka

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons (115L)

Care Level: Moderate

Temperament: Semi-aggressive

Reef Compatible: With Caution (May nip at small inverts and clams)

Water Conditions: 24 - 26° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023 -1.026

Max. Size: 15cm

Color Form: Black, White

Diet: Omnivore

Family: Pomacanthidae

thanks for the input Poiromaniax, appreciated.

Come on fish guru's and SPONSORS lets have some input into this thread !!!
Frogfish - Antenarius macalatus

Common Name
Clown or warty Frogfish/Anglerfish

Indo-West Pacific: Maldives, Mauritius to Indonesia, Singapore, the Philippines, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands

+/- 10 cm

Aggressive, will eat any fish the same size or smaller than itself

Live and frozen foods


The frogfish is a fascinating because of the way it 'walks' using its pectoral fins. These fish are ambush predators, and will lure prey with a lure that grows on the top of their head. The frogfish can be fed by dangling frozen meaty seafood on a feeding stick. Frogfish should never be fed live freshwater "feeder" fish

Frogfish can and will eat any fish and crustacean you are likely to have in a nano

I think this is actually difficult really. Also dependent is the amount of fish and feeding needs of each...

I did try and find a list, and here is quite a nice summary showing volume, amount of fish per tank, and even gives you nice info on certain species too. Way to much to add ont this forum though...
Firefish (Nemateleotris Decora)

Common Names: Purple Firefish, Flame Firefish, Elegant Firefish

Origin: Indo-Pacific, Mauritius, Samoa, Ryukyu Islands

Natural Habitat: Holes and rockwork on coral reefs

Size: up to 12cm (4 in)

Tank level: Middle, nearby its territory.

Food: Frozen foods, Dried Food

Coral Friendly: Yes

Invertebrate friendly: Yes

Special needs: One or single pair per small tank.

Ease of keeping: Easy

Minimum tank size: 40 litres

Excellent points Jaco, however this thread is not specifically a "stocking" guide, what it is is a series of pics and info related to fish that one could keep in a 130L tank, it most certainly does not mean to say that ALL the fish can be kept in one tank. All to often new people to the hobby go to a shop and see an awesome yellow tang in a LFS 3ft tank, and go ahead and buy it for their 3ft at home... then they get shit from MASA and the like about cruelty etc.... the purpose of this thread is to show how MANY different options there are with smaller tanks, and how carefull selection of a species is much better than impulse buying.... it is a brief guide to the fish in question and a thread to open peoples eyes !
Guys please also note that from time to time one of the mods will be deleting all comments in order to keep the thread clean !


Scientific Name : Pseudochromis fridmani

Common Names : Orchid, Purple, Magenta and Strawberry Dottyback
Care Level : Easy to moderate, provide plenty of hiding spaces which you can easily get by using live rock.
Life span : 5 - 7 years, possibly longer
Size : Up to 3 inches (8 cm)
pH : 8.1 - 8.4
Temperature : 74°F - 82°F (22°C - 28°C)
Specific Gravity : 1.020 - 1.025
Carbonate Hardness (dKH) : 8 - 12°
Origin / Habitat : Red Sea, tank raised is becoming more common.
Temperament / Behavior : The can be somewhat aggressive with their tank mates when defending their territory. Be sure to provide plenty of hiding places to help make them feel secure.
Breeding / Mating / Reproduction : Many are reporting success tank breeding this fish.
Tank Size : 30 gallon minimum
Compatible Tank Mates : Avoid keeping them in an aquarium with Lionfish, Snappers, Groupers, Triggers, Eels or any other predatory fish large enough to eat them.
Fish Disease : Saltwater Fish Disease - Diagnose, Symptoms and Treatment
Diet / Fish Food : Primarily a carnivore but try to give them a variety of foods. They will take vitamin enriched flake foods, frozen and definitely live foods such as mysis and brine shrimp.
Tank Region : Middle to bottom Gender : Difficult to determine
Coral Beauty - Centropyge bispinosa

Origin: Fiji, Indonesia, Vanuatu

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons (115L)

Care Level: Easy

Temperament: Semi-aggressive

Reef Compatible: With Caution (May nip LPS)

Water Conditions: 24 - 36° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.026

Maximum Size: 10cm

Color Form: Blue, Orange, Yellow

Diet: Omnivore

Family: Pomacanthidae

Flame Angelfish - Centropyge loricula

Origin: Cebu, Christmas Island, Marshall Islands, Tahiti, Vanuatu

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons (115L)

Care Level: Moderate

Temperament: Semi-aggressive

Reef Compatible: With Caution (May nip LPS and eat zoanthids)

Water Conditions: 24-26° C, dKH 8-12, pH 8.1-8.4, sg 1.023-1.026

Maximum Size: 10cm

Color Form: Blue, Orange, Yellow

Diet: Omnivore

Family: Pomacanthidae

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